45 plantas 36 centros especial de empleo , 148.395,28 toneladas de ropa tratada

In 2020, the hospital laundry service became a key part of the fight against COVID-19. The team at ILUNION Lavanderías has worked hard to meet increased demand while maintaining high quality and the necessary guarantees. Our work is driven by safety and a desire to support people and our competitiveness and dedication to our customers and to society throughout this time have left our company stronger than ever.

We currently have 45 industrial plants with nationwide coverage in Spain, Andorra, Portugal and Colombia.



ILUNION Lavanderías has generated 490,185 KWh from solar photovoltaic panels for self-consumption in 2020, avoiding 92,917 Kg CO2 of emissions. The Textil Rental, Crisol, Las Palmas and Tenerife laundries all have solar photovoltaic panels.

ILUNION Lavanderías plans to install solar photovoltaic panels in several other laundries by 2023. Our objective is to generate 15 % of our energy needs from solar photovoltaic energy

As for our decarbonisation plan, our goal is to supply 32 % of our energy needs using solar photovoltaic energy by 2023 and we have expanded the capacity of the Textil Rental photovoltaic plant by 132 kWp to reach 260 kWp.

The tunnel washer a Lavendería Industrial ILUNION Seville has been replaced to reduce energy consumption in the washing process by 27 % and SMART Ventury steam traps have been installed at

Lavandería industrial ILUNION  Mejorada and  Lavandería industrial ILUNION Huete to reduce steam loss and minimise replacement costs.


Finally, the operation to change the lighting at ILUNION Lavanderías is now complete and all laundries now have a self-regulating LED 4.0 lighting system equipped with the most efficient lights on the market designed exclusively for ILUNION.


ILUNION Lavanderías has generated 490,185 KWh from solar photovoltaic panels for self-consumption in 2020, avoiding 92,917 Kg CO2 of emissions. The Sonseca nursing home, the Textil Rental ILUNION laundries, the Lavandería Industrial ILUNION Crisol in Las Palmas Lavandería Industrial ILUNION in Tenerife are equipped with solar photovoltaic plants.

At ILUNION Lavanderías, we have reduced our plastic consumption by 211 tons by using reusable bags. We have begun to use recycled plastic for packaging, obtaining the MORE seal and Blue Angel certification for products with a low environmental impact throughout their life cycle.

When it comes to water management, we’ve launched a pilot plant to identify the best method for purifying wastewater from our industrial laundries to reduce our environmental impact.

We’ve also taken action to optimise our use of water in the washing process by carrying out preventive and corrective maintenance on our equipment and improving water quality by adjusting the doses of chemical products that we use.



Imagen de trabajadores con el texto imparables

Redeveloping our sites. Throughout 2020, ILUNION Lavanderías renovated its sites so that they reflect the Group’s brand image and are people-friendly.

Adelante Imparables [We’re Unstoppable]: Our Adelante Imparables campaign was designed to motivate employees at a very difficult time in April 2020 by distributing content via WhatsApp groups, on-site screens, Yammer and the IMPARABLES newsletter.

Mujeres Imparables [Unstoppable Women]: This is a monthly newsletter showcasing women’s work at the company’s facilities and offices.



Imagen de trabajadores con el texto siempre a tu lado

Catch Up With ILUNION Lavanderías: This is a newsletter for customers in the hospitality, industrial, hospital and health and social care sectors containing relevant information about our service


  • Excellence: we obtained the EFQM 500+ European Seal of Excellence from the Excellence in Management Club.
  • AENOR COVID-19 certification: we were the first company in the sector to obtain certification for our protocols to guarantee safety at work.
  • Madrid Guarantee: we received recognition from the Community of Madrid for the measures and action taken by the company to fight COVID-19.
  • MITECO Carbon Footprint Registration for 2019 and 2020 following verification under ISO 14064.
  • ILUNION Lavanderías has adapted its management systems to comply with the new ISO 45001. Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems standard, which replaces the former OHSAS 18001 standard.
  • Group EMAS certification for the ILUNION Huete facility: Community environmental management and audit system in Europe. It is the first laundry in Spain, France and Portugal to obtain this certification among 18 issued in Europe.


ILUNION Lavanderías has several new lines in our facilities. We have a new uniform cleaning line at our Valencia’s laundry facility, another for washing at Lavendería Industrial ILUNION Seville and another for drying at Lavandería industrial ILUNION Clintex in Seville.

To ensure more comprehensive management of our service, we’ve introduced a new pyjama washing system at the operating theatres at the Alcorcón Foundation University Hospital.

We have also redesigned and modified our facilities to diversify our activities to include industrial uniforms. This redesign and modification took place at the Granada and Mesnet facilities.